A Perfect Reflection of the Morning Sunrise in an Undisclosed Location. Shot by Arjun Shah.


ArJun, by Design.


Hola, I am Arjun Shah. I am a student in Ahmedabad, India. I love reading, photography, writing and short-designing objects. I have a healthy obsession for how daily-use objects are designed and how efficient they can be. That’s why I am starting this blog on Medium — So I can pour out my obsessions in an orderly manner here. Another reason is that I was given an assignment from my school to start a blog. So that fuelled the start of this blog. Of course, this blog will be focused on Design. Now, when I say Design, it will cover all the aspects of Design: ranging from Industrial Design to Jewellery Design (Very rare but yes). Design has piqued my curiosity from the moment I got my first iPad — the iPad 1st Generation. It’s curved edges, sand-blasted metal body and the software sparked the designer in me. From that moment, Apple would be by my side for life. I am writing this from an iPad.

Steve Jobs launches the first iPad in 2010. This was my very first piece of technology I would get to hold in my hand.

I love Apple Inc. and all things Apple — I am willing to leave the Design topic and just talk about Apple. Apple revolutionised the world when they launched the first Personal Computer, the Apple I. Then, with the Macintosh, they defined that creativity doesn’t need an office cubicle. With world-class hardware and world-class software, they are making the world a better place to live and work in. My mentors are Steve Jobs, Jony Ive and Tim Cook. These people are the people who changed the world’s view on how technology and design can change lives. For good. If we can just understand how much hardwork goes into these Apple Products, we can use them to their full extent and need nothing else but our creativity and an iPad, iPhone or a Mac to change the world.

Steve Jobs, late-CEO of Apple Inc. at the launch of the first iPhone in San Francisco.
Jony Ive, former Chief Design Officer at Apple. He is the man behind the design of every Apple Product before 2020.
Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple Inc. He is the mastermind of the manufacturing production line at Apple and used to lead the Production Line at Apple. He’s at the heart of Apple and Apple would not have gotten here without his contribution.

I will post stories every Wednesday and Sunday. Thank you so much. You are so awesome. You don’t know what’s in store for you in the Design world. Have a great day! Ciao….



ArJun, by Design.

Student blog in India. Focused on Science and Design. And Apple.